Gravity Schemes
Gravity Schemes
These novel schemes allow Regional/Combined Authorities and/or Large Employers to visibly influence skills development in their region or supply chain, using their gravitas and reach to shape positive skills development behaviours and action in groups of employers of their choosing. This positive leadership of these selected and curated employer communities will provide measured improvement and straightforward evidence of delivered social value and societal impact.
The Gravity Schemes are:
Gravity (Regional) – Based on the success of the scheme developed with the West Midlands Combined Authority, this Gravity Scheme provides regionally funded:
- Participation in a regional Employer Audit for a targeted, selected community of employers.
- Follow-up symposia and consultancy support to that community of employers, to assist them in taking insight-to-action.
- Subsequent years social impact assessment to ensure desired social outcomes are realised.
We are currently running a regional pilot with the West Midlands Combined Authority – more information here
Gravity (Supply Chain) – This Gravity Scheme enables Large Employers to invest in their supply chains cost-effectively and visibly, with that injection of
funding delivering:
- Participation in an Employer Audit for a targeted, selected community of supply chain employers.
- Follow-up symposia and consultancy support to that community of employers, to assist them in taking insight-to-action.
- Subsequent years social impact assessment to ensure desired social outcomes are realised.
- A summary report providing tangible evidence of the social impact planned or delivered, which is turn can be used to support an external demonstration
of Social Value.
More detail is available here