The 5% Club

The 5% Club is a dynamic movement of employers committed to earn & learn as part of building and developing the workforce they need as part of a socially mobile, prosperous and cohesive nation. The Club exists to help its members and all employers increase further the number, quality and range of earn & learn opportunities across the UK.

By joining The 5% Club, members aspire to achieve 5% of their workforce in earn and learn positions (including apprentices, sponsored students and graduates on formalised training schemes) within five years of joining.

We now represent:

More than 1,000 organisations across the UK – all committed to providing ‘earn and learn’ opportunities for their workforce.


Our members collectively employ:

  • More than 1.9 million employees
  • 81,000 apprentices
  • 18,000 people on graduate programmes
  • 9,000 sponsored students

This means more than 108,000 people in the workplace have been given skills based training opportunities by our members – averaging more than 6% across our movement.