Produced by WorldSkills UK, the aim of this Guide is to encourage more apprenticeship training providers and employers to use skills competitions to improve the quality of their provision. It is a practical tool that can assist teams in designing and delivering competitions within apprenticeships.
It provides a step by step guide to establishing and embedding competitions and describes how funding can support these activities and what competitions mean for contracting with employers. It also outlines how this can meet Ofsted requirements.
Skills competitions provide a unique opportunity to give businesses a competitive advantage through adding value to apprenticeship programmes and leading to a stronger skills base. The new apprenticeship policies, especially the Levy and the move to standards with a greater focus on training and development makes it an ideal time to consider engaging.
With the advent of the apprenticeship reforms and revised funding requirements, competitions can play an important role in enabling apprenticeship training providers and employers:
- Develop a curriculum which meets apprenticeship standards
- Develop and test skills in preparation for End Point Assessment (EPA)
- Contribute to meeting the 20% off the job training requirement
- Provide stretch and challenge for apprentices
- Be used against the Apprenticeship Levy
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For further information on this How To Guide, or on WorldSkills please contact: Sally Horrox, Director of Marketing and Business Development, WorldSkills UK E: