Online Event
The 5% Club is inviting all members to join us at the following event
- Theme: Leading emerging talent in a post Covid world
- Platform: Zoom
Leading a team who have to lead emerging talent has never been more of a challenge. With such uncertainty for the autumn/winter how can you support the people who support your apprentices and graduates.
Hear from:
Frank Clayton MBE FLPI, Group Head of Learning, NG Bailey
Who will cover:
- How to bring everyone together
- How to create a sense of team
- Managing young people virtually
- Managing well being and anxiety
- Creating a sense of purpose
- Furlough vrs non furlough apprentices
- Autumn college provision/managing training providers
Chrissi McCarthy BSc (Hons) M.C.I.O.B. PGDip IoD, Managing Director, Constructing Equality
Who will cover:
- Fairness in the business- perception of fairness
- We’re all in this together – or are we?
- Are we all equal in this – is it possible to have fairness for all?
- How do you navigate through this while keeping your business on an even keel?
- What are the differences in perception across generational, gender and ethnicity?
Katherine Bassey
Executive Coaching, Coaching Supervision, Team & Group Facilitation, Associate Partner, London Apprenticeships Ambassador Network
Who will cover:
- With 1 in 2 Apprentices reporting concerns about their mental health – how can you help?
- What are the warning signs to look out for?
- Where can you go for specialist support?
- What can you do to promote mental health and create a well-being culture in your organisation?
- How can you support compassionate leadership in difficult times?
Watch the recording here – you will find full screen options in the bottom right hand corner when you start the video. Please note, this is a Members only recording and you will be asked for a password to access the event, if you are a member and do not have the password please email
Click here or the image below for the video <The password was emailed to members on 9/10/2020>